School News


Baking Fun at Nanhsing Elementary School!

January 16-17, 2024 – Nanhsing Elementary School students had a sweet and fun time learning to bake with Mr. A-Fu, a professional baker!

The students made taiyaki, almond crisps, pudding, and sugar toast. They cracked eggs, mixed ingredients, and carefully baked their treats. Baking was fun, but they also learned it takes patience and careful steps.

When the treats were ready, the yummy smell filled the room. Everyone enjoyed their homemade snacks and proudly shared them with their teachers. It was a fun and delicious experience!

2024年1月16-17日 – 南興國小的學生們度過了一場甜蜜又有趣的烘焙體驗,由專業烘焙師阿符老師帶領,學習製作美味點心!




A Fun Art Museum Journey at Nanhsing Elementary!

January 16, 2024 – Nanhsing Elementary School held its first library event of the year! Ms. Yang Hsiao-Ting, a former student of Nanhsing, shared an exciting art museum journey with the students.

Ms. Yang has a master's degree in fine arts and has been teaching art for many years. She loves to travel and explore the world, learning about different kinds of art. In this special session, she introduced famous art museums in Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, and Taiwan. She also talked about some well-known artists.

At the end, Ms. Yang gave the students an inspiring message: "Work hard, play hard!" It was a fun and inspiring experience, teaching students not just about art, but also about enjoying life!

2024年1月16日 – 南興國小舉辦了今年第一次圖書館活動!這次邀請到南興校友楊曉婷老師,帶領學生展開一場精彩的美術館之旅


最後,楊老師送給學生一句鼓舞人心的話:「用力工作,用力玩!」 這場活動不僅讓學生學習藝術知識,也啟發他們享受生活的樂趣


Japanese Cultural Exchange at Nanhsing!

January 10, 2024 – The 5th graders at Nanhsing Elementary School had a fun Japanese language lesson with Mr. Fujita Tomohiko from the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association and Ms. Lin Chiung-Shih from Taiwan.

The students got to experience Radio Taiso, a popular warm-up exercise that all Japanese students learn. As they followed the movements, they warmed up their bodies on a chilly winter day while also learning to count in Japanese: 1 (いち)、2 (に)、3 (さん)、4 (し/よん)、5 (ご)、6 (ろく)、7 (しち/なな)、8 (はち)!

It was a fun and active way to learn Japanese, leaving everyone with big smiles! 

 2024年1月10日 – 南興國小五年級的學生參加了一堂有趣的日語課程,由日本台灣交流協會的藤田智彥老師和台灣的林瓊施老師共同帶領。

學生們體驗了廣播體操,這是所有日本學生都學習的暖身運動。在老師的帶領下,大家一邊跟著動作暖身,一邊學習用日語數數:1 (いち)、2 (に)、3 (さん)、4 (し/よん)、5 (ご)、6 (ろく)、7 (しち/なな)、8 (はち)!



A Taste of Italy at Nanhsing Library!

December 25, 2024 – On Christmas morning, Nanhsing Elementary School welcomed alumna Ms. Liu Yin-Ni to share about Italian culture and art with 4th to 6th graders in the library.

Ms. Liu studied in Milan, Italy, and now works as a designer. She has a deep love for Italian art and culture. To make the event extra special, she decorated the library with a festive Italian Christmas theme the day before.

During her talk, she introduced the three great artists of the Renaissance—Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. She also brought two famous Italian Christmas breads, Pandoro (golden bread) and Panettone (fruit and nut cake), made by an Italian baker living in Taitung. Students and teachers got to taste these delicious treats!

The event was both exciting and delicious, giving everyone a wonderful experience of Italian culture and holiday traditions. What a great way to celebrate Christmas and learn about the world! 

2024年12月25日 – 在溫馨的聖誕早晨,南興國小迎來了特別的義大利文化講座!這次活動邀請到校友劉璌霓老師,為四到六年級的學生分享義大利的藝術與文化。


在講座中,她介紹了文藝復興三傑——達文西、米開朗基羅與拉斐爾,並帶來了兩款傳統義大利聖誕麵包——Pandoro(黃金麵包)與 Panettone(水果堅果蛋糕),這些美味點心由旅居台東的義大利烘焙師精心製作。學生與老師們一同品嚐這些經典的聖誕美食,感受義大利的節慶文化。



A Joyful Christmas Celebration at Nanhsing!

December 20, 2024 – Nanhsing Elementary School was filled with holiday cheer as students and teachers gathered for the annual Christmas celebration!

The event began with an exciting musical performance by the 5th and 6th graders. Their creative dance moves and touching story impressed the audience, earning big rounds of applause.

After the performance, it was time for the most anticipated moment—Christmas gifts! Each class received special presents, bringing big smiles to the students' faces. These gifts not only spread holiday joy but also showed the warm friendship between students and teachers.

It was a fun and heartwarming Christmas celebration for everyone!

2024年12月20日 – 聖誕佳節將近,南興國小充滿歡樂與溫馨的節日氣氛,師生們齊聚一堂,共同慶祝一年一度的聖誕節活動! 





Seeing Taiwan from Above: A Special Environmental Film Event!

December 17, 2024 – Nanhsing Elementary School hosted a special environmental awareness event, featuring the documentary "Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above."

Director Chi Po-Lin once said, "From the sky, I was deeply moved by Taiwan’s beauty, but I also felt worried about its changing landscapes. What I see, I want you to see too."

Thanks to the support of the Aaeon Cultural and Educational Foundation, students had the chance to experience Taiwan’s beauty and challenges through the director’s powerful images. The event also featured Mr. Huang Tsung-Shun from the Taiwan Marine Environmental Education Promotion Association, who led an engaging discussion. Using personal experiences and storytelling, he guided students to see their homeland from a new perspective.

This event encouraged students to think about their environment, appreciate Taiwan’s natural beauty, and take action to protect it. When young minds start to see, think, and care, the future of Taiwan will shine even brighter! 

2024年12月17日 – 南興國小舉辦了一場特別的環境教育活動,播放紀錄片**《看見台灣》**,讓學生從不同角度認識這片土地。





Nanhsing Little Character Academy: The Spirit of Helping Others

December 13, 2024 – The final session of this semester's Nanhsing Little Character Academy was led by Teacher Chao-Ying, with the topic helping others. The role model introduced was Grandma Chen Chou, a well-known social worker from Puli.

Grandma Chen Chou dedicated her life to helping children in need. She believed that the true meaning of life is to give back to society. In 1999, she donated her own land to build the Chen Chou Youth Education Center, which she later gifted to the Nantou Family Support Center. She spent nearly 24 hours a day guiding and caring for young people, treating them like her own grandchildren. She gave them warmth and love, but also taught them discipline to help them grow into responsible individuals.

Even after facing multiple cancer treatments, Grandma Chen never stopped helping others. Her kindness, strong will, and loving heart comforted many struggling children and families. Although she has passed away, her spirit of helping others continues to inspire people today.

Students were encouraged to start helping others in small ways and let the seed of kindness grow in their hearts. By spreading love and kindness, we can make the world a better place! 

2024年12月13日 – 本學期最後一場南興品德小學堂由照英老師主講,主題為助人,並介紹了埔里知名社會工作者——陳綢阿嬤的感人故事。





Nanhsing Charity Sale: Sharing Love and Kindness!

December 13, 2024 – As part of this year's school fair, the 6th graders organized a charity sale to spread love and kindness. 

Students collected donated items from teachers and classmates and sold them at the event. Through their hard work, they raised 12,993 NTD! The funds were then donated to Changhua Ci’ai Nursing Home, with representatives from Class 6B delivering the donation.

This activity helped students understand the importance of giving, while also learning about environmental protection and sustainability. By recycling and reusing items, they discovered that small actions can make a big difference!

Through this meaningful experience, students not only helped those in need but also learned that kindness has no limits! 

2024年12月13日 – 作為今年校慶園遊會的一部分,六年級學生舉辦了一場愛心義賣活動,讓愛與善意傳遞出去!





Nanhsing's 72nd Anniversary Celebration – A Wonderful Success!

December 7, 2024 – With the enthusiastic participation of students, teachers, parents, and community members, Nanhsing Elementary School successfully celebrated its 72nd anniversary with a fun and meaningful school fair! 

The event began with encouraging speeches from the principal, PTA president, and honored guests. They highlighted Nanhsing’s achievements in academics and character education, as well as the school's commitment to the Triple-Good Campus values:

 💙 Do good deeds

 💬 Speak kind words

 💖 Think good thoughts

In addition, they emphasized the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), encouraging students to become responsible global citizens.

A big thank you to everyone who helped plan, support, and participate in this event! Your hard work and dedication made this a truly unforgettable day. We look forward to continuing this spirit of joy and creativity in future celebrations, making our school even better! 

2024年12月7日 – 在學生、老師、家長及社區成員的熱情參與下,南興國小成功舉辦了72週年校慶園遊會,這場活動充滿歡樂與意義!


💙 做好事

💬 說好話

💖 存好心


感謝所有參與、支持與籌備這場活動的每一位! 你們的努力與奉獻讓這一天變得難忘而特別。我們期待在未來的校慶中,延續這份喜悅與創意,讓南興國小變得更加美好! 


Nanhsing Little Character Academy: The Power of Gratitude!

November 22, 2024 – The fourth session of this semester's Nanhsing Little Character Academy was led by the Tzu Chi Da Ai Mothers. The topic was gratitude, and the role model introduced was Master Cheng Yen.

When someone helps you, do you take it for granted? Or do you feel thankful? True gratitude is not just about saying "thank you"—it’s about turning appreciation into action and spreading kindness to others.

Master Cheng Yen started with just six people sewing baby shoes and thirty women saving a few coins a day. Over time, their small acts of kindness grew into the Tzu Chi Foundation, which now supports charity, medical care, education, disaster relief, environmental protection, and volunteer work around the world.

Students were encouraged to always be grateful and to share love and kindness with those in need. A heart full of gratitude can make the world a better place! 

📅 2023年11月22日 – 本學期第四場南興品德小學堂慈濟大愛媽媽擔任講師,主題為感恩,並介紹了證嚴法師作為學習典範。



這場講座鼓勵學生時刻懷抱感恩之心,並將愛與善意傳遞給需要幫助的人。擁有感恩的心,世界將變得更加美好! 💖🌍✨


Exploring Careers: A Hands-On Coding Experience!

November 18, 2024 – The 6th graders from Nanhsing Elementary School had an exciting opportunity to explore careers at the The 6th graders from Nanhsing Elementary School had an exciting opportunity to explore careers at the Chang-An Junior High Career Exploration Center. 

To help students discover their interests and learn about different careers, the counseling office arranged for them to participate in this special career exploration program. In this session, Mr. Lu Chia-Hsin from Changhua Senior High School of Industrial Vocational Education introduced the role of a self-driving software engineer in the lesson "Coding in Action!"

Through hands-on coding activities, students experienced what it’s like to work in this field. This activity not only helped them develop a professional mindset, but also gave them a deeper understanding of the workplace and inspired their future career paths! 

📅 2024年11月18日南興國小六年級的學生 參加了一場特別的職業探索活動,前往彰化縣國民中學區域職業試探與體驗示範中心,體驗不同的職業領域!




Caring for Our Hometown: A Meaningful Service Learning Experience!

November 14, 2024 – Learning happens everywhere, not just in the classroom!

Guided by the Student Affairs Office and 4th-grade teachers, students from Nanhsing Elementary School took part in a service-learning activity in Changhua City.

The day started with a visit to the Changhua County Art Museum, where volunteers gave students a special guided tour. This experience helped students learn more about local cultural spaces, develop creative thinking, and appreciate art and design.

Next, students headed to Baguashan Park, where they explored nature and participated in a mountain-cleaning activity. By actively protecting the environment, they not only learned about local ecology but also developed a stronger sense of responsibility for their hometown and nature.

This experience deepened their love for their community and encouraged them to care for the environment in their daily lives! 

📅 2024年11月14日學習不僅僅發生在教室裡,而是無處不在!






Scouting Spirit Shines at Nanhsing Library!

November 13, 2024 – Nanhsing Elementary School invited a volunteer, Ms. Hsiao Ju-Hsiu, to share an inspiring talk on “Triple-Good Scout” with 1st to 3rd graders in the library.

The event started with a fun sing-and-dance activity to the Triple-Good School Song School Song, bringing lots of energy! Ms. Hsiao then introduced the spirit of scouting, teaching students the importance of staying clean, taking care of themselves, and being polite.

She also talked about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sharing real-life examples. Students learned about helping families in need (ending poverty), cooking simple meals (food security), and doing outdoor activities (health and well-being).

Ms. Hsiao’s bright and energetic personality made the session even more exciting. At the end, she surprised students with books as gifts! With big smiles, everyone took a group photo, ending the event on a happy note.

2024年11月13日 – 南興國小邀請志工蕭如秀媽媽,在圖書館為一到三年級的學生帶來一場充滿啟發的「三好童軍」講座。





Railway Safety Education at Nanhsing!

November 12, 2024 – Fourth graders at Nanhsing Elementary School took part in a special railway safety education session in the audiovisual classroom.

A speaker from Changhua Train Station used slides and videos to explain railway crossing safety, passenger safety, and how to buy tickets. Real-life cases were also shared to help students better understand these important topics.

To make learning fun, students played "Railway Bingo", which tested their knowledge of railway safety. Through this activity, they learned the dangers of railway crossings and the importance of following traffic rules to stay safe.

This session helped students build better safety awareness and encouraged them to always be careful when crossing railway tracks! 

📅 2024年11月12日 – 南興國小四年級學生參加了一場特別的鐵路安全教育課程,於視聽教室進行學習。





Learning About Ocean Conservation at Nanhsing!

November 12, 2024 – Sixth graders at Nanhsing Elementary School took part in a special ocean conservation lesson, hosted by the Changhua County Environmental Protection Bureau and led by a speaker from Asia Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

The lesson used the eco-storybook Corals Matter to teach students about marine ecology, the beauty of nature, and the impact of environmental damage. Through these stories, students learned to appreciate and protect the ocean and marine life.

At the end of the session, students created their own mini pop-up books to express their thoughts and actions for ocean conservation. By using words, pictures, and creativity, they reflected on their experiences and explored ways to help the environment.

This activity encouraged students to think critically, ask questions, and take action to protect our oceans! 

📅 2024年11月12日 – 南興國小六年級學生參加了一場特別的海洋保育課程,由彰化縣環境保護局主辦,並由「亞太環境科技股份有限公司」的講師**帶領授課。  





Zhuyin Challenge: A Fun Learning Adventure!

November 12, 2024 – First graders at Nanhsing Elementary School had an exciting afternoon at the activity center, joining a Zhuyin Challenge full of fun games!

The event was designed to help students practice Zhuyin symbols through play. They tackled different challenges, such as:

Matching Game – Test their character recognition

Smooth Reading – Practice reading fluently

Throwing Fun – Add excitement to learning

Sound Master – Recognize initials, finals, and compound sounds

Act It Out – Express tones through body movements

Pronunciation Pro – Read words correctly

Puzzle – Put together the right sounds

Word Master – Create new words creatively

Students worked in teams, helping and encouraging each other. The room was filled with energy, teamwork, and laughter. Seeing their confidence grow with each successful challenge was truly heartwarming!

A big thank you to all the students and teachers who made this event such a great success! 

📅 2024年11月12日 – 南興國小一年級的學生在活動中心度過了一個充滿挑戰與樂趣的下午,參加了注音大挑戰!


 🎯 對對碰 – 測試認字能力

 📖 流暢朗讀 – 練習流利閱讀

 🎳 丟丟樂 – 增添學習趣味

 🎵 聲音大師 – 辨識聲符、韻符與結合韻

 🎭 比手畫腳 – 用肢體動作表達聲調

 🔊 發音達人 – 正確朗讀課文

 🧩 拼圖挑戰 – 拼湊正確的拼音

 📝 造詞高手 – 發揮創意組合新詞




Nanhsing Little Character Academy: The Power of Determination!

November 8, 2024 – The third session of this semester's Nanhsing Little Character Academy featured Director Cheng-Han from the counseling office as the speaker. The topic was determination, and the role model introduced was ultramarathon runner Tommy Chen.

When you set a goal, can you stay committed until you achieve it? Ultramarathon runners must cover hundreds of kilometers in extreme conditions, testing their survival skills and perseverance.

Tommy Chen made up his mind to compete internationally. To achieve this, he trained hard, learned to make presentations, studied English online, practiced speaking in front of a mirror, and gave speeches to attract sponsors. His determination helped him overcome challenges and achieve his dreams.

Students were encouraged to follow his example—once they set a goal, they should stay determined and push forward every day to reach it!

📅 2023年11月8日 – 本學期第三場南興品德小學堂邀請輔導室承翰主任擔任講師,主題為決心,並介紹了超級馬拉松選手陳彥博作為學習典範。

當你設定一個目標時,能夠堅持到底嗎? 超級馬拉松選手必須在極端環境下跑完數百公里,這不僅考驗生存能力,更是一場對毅力與決心的挑戰。


這場講座鼓勵學生學習他的精神——一旦設定目標,就要堅定信念,每天向前邁進,努力實現自己的夢想! 💪🏃‍♂️✨


Exploring Tang Poetry – A Special Library Event!

One morning in October, Nanhsing Elementary School invited retired teacher Ms. Lin Mei-Hui to share the beauty of Tang poetry with 4th to 6th graders in the library.

Ms. Lin introduced the famous poem Returning at Night to Lumen Mountain by Meng Haoran. She guided students to imagine the scenes in the poem, helping them understand the rhythm and meaning of seven-character ancient poems from Three Hundred Tang Poems.

In just 30 minutes, students were fully immersed in the world of poetry. They discovered that reading classic poems from a book can be even more exciting than watching videos or playing games on a tablet!


📅 十月某個早晨,南興國小邀請退休教師林美慧老師,在圖書館為四到六年級的學生分享唐詩之美。




Say No to Drugs! Anti-Drug Awareness at Nanhsing

October 29, 2024 – Fifth graders at Nanhsing Elementary School participated in an anti-drug awareness session in the audiovisual classroom.

Everyone knows that drugs are dangerous, but today, there are many different types of drugs, and some people might come into contact with them without even knowing.

Thanks to the Taiwan Drug-Free World Association, students learned about the harmful effects of drugs, how to recognize them, and how to avoid accidental exposure.

This session helped students understand the importance of staying away from drugs and making safe choices in their daily lives!

📅 2024年10月29日 – 南興國小五年級學生參加了一場反毒教育課程,於視聽教室進行學習。





Nanhsing Little Character Academy: Learning About Passion!

October 18, 2024 – Nanhsing Elementary School hosted the second session of its Little Character Academy this semester, with Director Zhe-Wei as the speaker. The topic of the day was passion, and the role model introduced was Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple.

Steve Jobs once said, "Being fired from Apple in 1985 was the best thing that ever happened to me. The heaviness of success was replaced by the lightness of starting over, leading me to one of the most creative periods of my life." Even though failure can feel painful, keeping passion alive can turn setbacks into success.

Students were encouraged to face challenges with a smile and never lose faith. Life may bring difficulties, but staying passionate can lead to great achievements! 

2024年10月18日 – 南興國小舉辦了本學期第二場品德小學堂,由哲維主任擔任講師。本次主題為熱誠,典範人物是蘋果公司共同創辦人史蒂夫·賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)。




Volunteer Certificate Ceremony at Nanhsing!

October 16, 2024 – Nanhsing Elementary School held a Volunteer Certificate Awarding Ceremony & Breakfast at the Community Reading Center to honor its dedicated volunteers for their commitment and service.

During the ceremony, the principal presented certificates to volunteers who have contributed their time and effort to keeping students safe, promoting reading, and supporting special education. Their kindness and commitment have made the school a warmer and more caring place for everyone.

With deep gratitude, the school looks forward to continuing this journey together, creating a better learning environment for all students. Thank you, volunteers! 

📅2024年10月16日 – 南興國小於社區閱讀中心舉辦志工授證典禮暨感謝早餐會,表揚辛勤奉獻的志工們,感謝他們對學校的貢獻與服務。




Fun and Safe Internet Use: A Storytime Adventure!

October 8, 2024 – The first class after lunch is usually a sleepy one, but not today! The students at Nanhsing Elementary School were wide awake and excited as Sister Elf brought them on a magical journey with the story "The Siblings and the Fire Dragon."

The story covered important topics like using technology wisely, online bullying, internet safety (Sushiro incident), online scams (child protection), and eye health. Second and third graders listened carefully, learning how to use the internet in a smart and safe way. They also joined in by answering questions and interacting with the storyteller, making the session fun and engaging!

A big thank you to the SEED Education Foundation for providing resources to bring this exciting and educational event to our students! 

📅 2024年10月8日 – 午餐後的第一堂課通常讓人昏昏欲睡,但今天完全不一樣! 南興國小的學生們精神飽滿、興奮不已,因為精靈姐姐帶領大家進入奇幻故事《姐弟與火龍的冒險》!




Inspiring Life Lessons with Jérémie at Nanhsing!

October 1, 2024 – Just before a typhoon approached Changhua, students at Nanhsing Elementary School experienced an eye-opening talk on life education.

With support from the Taishan Cultural Foundation and the Forward Humanity Vision Workshop, the school hosted a special talk titled "Life Education – A Heart-to-Heart with Youth." The guest speaker was Jérémie, a marathon runner from southern France and a new resident of Taiwan.

Jérémie shared his journey of chasing goals, overcoming challenges, learning languages, running, doing charity work, and pursuing dreams. He inspired students with powerful messages:

 💡 "Trying doesn’t always guarantee success, but not trying guarantees failure."

 🏃 "You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to become great."

His talk emphasized the importance of taking action and encouraged students to think critically and solve problems. Through his personal experiences, he gave students motivation and confidence to take on life’s challenges!

📅 2024年10月1日 – 在颱風即將影響彰化之前,南興國小的學生們參加了一場開拓視野的生命教育講座。



💡 「嘗試不一定成功,但不嘗試一定不會成功。」

🏃 「不需要很厲害才開始,但必須開始才能變得厲害。」



Nanhsing Little Character Academy: Learning About Justice!

September 27, 2024 – This semester's Nanhsing Little Character Academy began with a special talk from the principal, who served as the first speaker. The topic was justice, and the role model introduced was the late Mr. Chen Ding-Nan.

Mr. Chen once said, "If I must choose between being liked and being respected, I would rather be respected." Through the principal’s engaging storytelling, students learned about Mr. Chen’s life and his strong belief in justice as both a person and a public servant.

The talk encouraged students to stand by what is right, no matter what challenges they face. With justice in their hearts, they can make wise and fair decisions in the future! 

📅 2024年9月27日 – 本學期的南興品德小學堂由校長揭開序幕,擔任第一場講座的主講者。本次主題為正義,典範人物是已故的陳定南先生。




Learning to Cherish Every Moment – Library Event at Nanhsing!

September 25, 2024 – Nanhsing Elementary School held a special library event for 4th to 6th graders. The guest speaker, Ms. Lai Chiao-Yun, introduced the famous book The Diary of Anne Frank.

Ms. Lai explained the book in a simple and interesting way, helping students understand Anne’s thoughts and experiences. She also shared stories from her own trip to Germany, making Anne’s world feel even more real.

Students were amazed by Anne’s courage and positive attitude, even in difficult times. This event helped them learn an important lesson: cherish every moment in life!

📅 2024年9月25日 – 南興國小為四到六年級的學生舉辦了一場特別的圖書館活動。此次講座邀請了賴巧雲老師,為學生介紹著名書籍《安妮的日記》。




Disaster Drill: Staying Safe at Nanhsing!

September 20, 2024 – To prepare for National Disaster Prevention Day on September 21, Nanhsing Elementary School held a disaster drill a day early.

When the earthquake alarm sounded, all students and teachers quickly followed safety steps: Drop, Cover, and Hold On. After the shaking "stopped," everyone evacuated calmly to the designated area without pushing. Teachers then checked attendance to make sure everyone was safe.

This drill helped students understand the importance of staying prepared. By practicing, they can react quickly and protect themselves in a real emergency. Safety first!

📅 2024年9月20日 – 為了迎接9月21日國家防災日,南興國小提前一天舉行了防災演練,讓師生做好應對準備。




Jump Rope Fun on National Sports Day!

September 9, 2024 – To celebrate National Sports Day, all students and teachers at Nanhsing Elementary School gathered on the playground for a jump rope activity led by the principal.

The event aimed to improve cardiovascular health and coordination while encouraging students to develop lifelong exercise habits. With excitement and energy, everyone jumped together, making the event a great success!

Not only did students strengthen their bodies, but they also discovered the joy of exercise. This activity helped them build confidence, perseverance, and a positive mindset toward challenges!

📅 2024年9月9日 – 為了慶祝國民體育日,南興國小的全體師生齊聚操場,在校長的帶領下參加跳繩活動!

